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Liv learns Linux

Posted: February 6th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized Corner | 3 Comments »

Liv is learning to use her Linux shell!

I sat down with Liv for a few minutes to talk to her about it.

Adam:  So what are some commands you know?

Liv: Well I know how to log in.  And um I know how to figure out which directory… basically I need to navigate to Blake’s directory to get into the image folder in which all headers must live.

Adam: So what are some commands you know?

Liv: Um “scp” oh!  I know “ls” is list, “pwd” is present working directory, I know “cd” is change directory, “mkdir” is make directory.  I know that … does tabbing count as a command?  I know “rm” is remove.  And now I know my newest command is “mv”.  I learned that today.  But Kat is ready to go and I can’t talk about this anymore.  I don’t have time!

3 Comments on “Liv learns Linux”

  1. 1 blake said at 2:37 pm on February 7th, 2010:

    UNIX. Liv is learning UNIX.

    To quote wikipedia ( “Mac OS X, whose ‘X’ represents the Roman numeral for ’10’ and is a prominent part of its brand identity, is a Unix-based operating system,[5] built on technologies developed at NeXT between the second half of the 1980s and Apple’s purchase of the company in late 1996. Its sixth release Mac OS X v10.5 ‘Leopard’ gained UNIX 03 certification while running on Intel processors.”

    Though, it would be even more accurate to say Liv is learning bash, or the bourne again shell, which is the default shell for both the Mac OS X terminal application and ssh sessions with the server. This is in contrast to others, such as the equally punny c-shell (csh), the exotic friendly interactive shell (fish), or the original bourne shell, to name a few.

  2. 2 Adam said at 2:39 pm on February 7th, 2010:

    Yes that’s true.


    Alliteration trumps accuracy !

  3. 3 leviloscerous said at 11:14 pm on February 7th, 2010:

    i prefer to say i’m learning how to ESS ESS ‘H’/’AYCH’/H

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